Monkey Island Dispensary

The Evolution and Popularity of Cannabis Edibles

Over the years, the cannabis world has dramatically evolved. Consequently, edibles have emerged as a top choice for consumption. These flavorful treats, infused with THC and other cannabinoids, provide users with a potent, smoke-free alternative to traditional methods like smoking or vaping. However, like all good things, it’s essential to enjoy them with moderation and knowledge.

A photo of Cheeba Chews Sleepy Chews as an example of edibles.
Cheeba Chews Sleepy Chews currently on Buy One, Get One for $.01 at Monkey Island Dispensary.

To guide you, here’s a roadmap to help you navigate and savor the edible experience responsibly:

  1. Dose Wisely: Firstly, if you’re new to edibles, the vast choices might seem a bit overwhelming. It’s best to start with a dose of 5-10mg. Moreover, it’s crucial to remember that the type of edible can influence its potency. For instance, edibles rich in fats, like brownies or chocolates, often deliver a stronger effect because THC naturally binds to fats. On the other hand, sugar-based treats like gummies might offer a milder sensation.
  2. Patience is Key: Many individuals re-dose too soon, which unfortunately is a common mistake. Edibles, by nature, can take time to manifest their effects, sometimes longer than you might anticipate. Therefore, it’s wise to wait at least two hours before even considering another dose. Adopting this approach ensures you sidestep an overly intense experience.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Next, understand that drinking enough water is paramount. Your hydration levels can significantly influence how your body processes the edible. While you might be tempted to accompany your treat with a soda or coffee, opting for pure water guarantees the most optimal effects.
  4. Fuel Up: Lastly, food plays an integral role in the edible experience. Consuming fatty foods can amplify the effects of your edible. Such foods assist in breaking down THC-infused products more efficiently, culminating in a deeper and more consistent sensation. The University of Minnesota actually conducted a study concluding that participants who consumed a high-fat meal before partaking were found to have up to 4 times the cannabinoids in their blood than the control group.(1)

In conclusion, edibles present a unique and delightful avenue to relish cannabis. By approaching them with knowledge and following these guidelines, you’re set for a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Reasonable dosing
  • Patience is a virtue
  • High Quality H2O
  • Feed the Beast